Costing & Pricing for Profit Seminar - Chicago, IL
September 18-19, 2007

Jan Rohde Consulting, Inc. hosted the “Costing and Pricing for Profit”
seminar in Chicago on September 18-19.  

The seminar focused on achieving a balance between a company’s
cost estimating system and its sales goals.  Rohde demonstrated
how companies rely on their cost systems as a pricing tool while
other companies develop a strong pricing system and fail to identify
their true costs.  “You don’t have to sacrifice one for the other”
instructed Jan Rohde, a 35 year veteran of the corrugated consulting
industry.  Attendees left armed with new approaches to allocate costs
as well as tools to price more intelligently.  

“I was impressed with the scope of the seminar,” commented John
Grow, General Manager of Midland Container in Racine, Wisconsin.
“The message of proper pricing will prove valuable to future attendees
of Jan¹s seminars.”

For more information on upcoming seminars, contact Jan Rohde at
(949)-521-2544 or Email
Even 500 years ago,
Columbus had the
tools to navigate by
dead reckoning,
where he would find
his position by
measuring the course
and distance he had
sailed from some
known point.  Each
voyage’s ending
position would be the
starting point for the
next voyage's course-

Do you have the
tools to cost and
price for profit?

“By prevailing over all
obstacles and
distractions, one may
unfailingly arrive at his
chosen goal or
destination.”  ~
Christopher Columbus
Costing & Pricing for Profit Seminar - Irvine, CA
January 17-18, 2008

Jan Rohde Consulting, Inc. hosted the “Costing and Pricing for Profit”
seminar in Irvine, CA January 17-18, 2008.  Jan's message of
maintaining a synergy between costing and pricing was well
received.   Attendees were provided
with tools and concepts that will
aid them in realizing their company's full profit potential.  For more
information on upcoming seminars, contact Jan Rohde at (949)-521-
2544 or Email